Talk about generational wealth. Mother’s impart their best beauty knowledge on us. Whether that’s full blown glamour or a less is more approach, this wisdom is something we always take with us informing our own beauty journeys and approach to a self care regimen.

Mamma, Madre, Mom...They go by many names and play many important roles, but one thing is certain - love is the common thread. Celebrate the mother figures in your life and show them love with the absolute best in beauty.

These beauty industry insiders and founders, share their deepest and most cherished advice on skincare, makeup, hair and feeling their best selves, all courtesy of their mothers, aunts and grandmothers. Plus, the beauty advice some of them are passing onto their children.

Aya Kanai

Aya Kanai, Head of Content Partnerships at Pinterest

“When I was growing up my mother only wore makeup on special occasions, not every day. A good consistent skincare routine was an everyday essential, but makeup was worn occasionally. This helped establish to me that self care is non negotiable, but my face is fine just as it is.  I’ve never been someone who wears makeup everyday. I love makeup, just not all the time. My appearance is just fine with and without, thank you very much.  Thanks mom for that lesson and so many more.”

Leland Francis
Dillon Peña, Makeup Artist and Founder of Leland Francis
“The most valuable beauty lessons my mother taught me is to give to others, be courageous, and not to be afraid of failure. She also taught me beauty comes from the heart.”

Dr Nigma Talib
Dr. Nigma Talib, Naturopathic Doctor, Author and Founder of Dr. Nigma Talib
“The most impactful beauty lesson my mom taught me was if I wanted beautiful skin I would drink 1.5 L a day and apply a chickpea turmeric mask when my skin appeared dull or any damage from the sun. She also was vigilant on me not basking in the sun daily to avoid pigmentation and sun damage. I’ve passed all this great info down to my patients as they are like my kids! And I have the turmeric face mask recipe in my book Younger Skin Starts in the Gut.”

Anneke thirteen lune
Anneke Gustafson, Marketing Associate, thirteen lune

"My Auntie and I have a monthly shopping date at Sephora. It became our thing when I was in highschool and I needed makeup for my first school dance. I had no idea where to start so she took me to Sephora. Her advice was to always ask the person with the best makeup in the store what products they use. She used to say, 'You never want to look garish.' We'd go through every aisle critiquing shade ranges and picking up two of everything so we could compare and review products the next time we saw each other. We established our cult faves and products that just weren't it. Every excursion is a learning and bonding experience."


Charlotte Mensah
Charlotte Mensah, Celebrity Hairstylist, Author and Founder of Charlotte Mensah
“My Mum always taught me that true beauty comes from the inside.My mother had incredible glowing skin and gorgeous features, but it was her warmth and kindness that made her even more beautiful to me. She made sure to nurture my self esteem and always told me that I was beautiful. Mum emphasized caring for myself by focusing less on what I put on the outside of my body and more on what I put on the inside, which I still carry to this day - mindset is everything. I have passed on the same things to my daughter, affirming that she has to love herself more than anyone else will. It’s never been about shape, size or hairstyle, it’s simply how you invest in yourself and with that the reward you sow by loving yourself.”

Melissa Magsaysay thirteen lune
Melissa Magsaysay, Writer, Author, Head of Content, thirteen lune
“Beauty and my mom’s getting ready routine is one of my most vivid childhood memories. I used to love watching her put on her makeup and set her hair. I had an immediate interest in all of it. When she bought new Avon or Mary Kay products, she would give me the little testers to keep and I cherished them. Her most consistent beauty advice to this day is that you always look prettiest when you smile. That, and lipstick always completes the look.”
Joanna Vargas
Joanna Vargas, Celebrity Facialist and Founder of Joanna Vargas Salons and Skin Care
“My grandmother has always been my inspiration for my career in beauty. She always took time for herself and made sure her beauty regimen made her feel like a Queen. I think the most impactful thing she taught me was to embrace my uniqueness. I struggled with loving myself and wishing I looked more like my mother growing up. My mom was a beautiful Latina woman and she exuded elegance in every way. My grandmother made me understand that I was beautiful in my own skin. What made me different or unexpected when I walked into a room behind my mother was beautiful in its own way and I have carried that lesson with me wherever I have made my imprint in life. It’s a message that has driven my career and certainly something I preach to my kids.”
Nyakio Grieco
Nyakio Grieco, thirteen lune Cofounder and nyakio Beauty Founder
“You can’t be pretty on the outside if you’re not pretty on the inside.”
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